Other Games
The central list of Addventure sites and Addventure games is at
Addventure-based stories
These use the actual Addventure program, and many are contributing their
changes back to the project.
- BE Addventure
- An adult-themed Addventure.
- The Medusa Chronicles
- What do four friends decide to do this summer? This Addventure
started by Panic and now from Dmuk includes a tree-view,
recent episode list, and a "jump-to" feature.
Addventure-like stories
The key feature of all of these is that they are expandable by
the players, or by players who register themselves. Most do not use
the Addventure engine.
- Stories from Downtown Anywhere
- Story extensions are approved by an editorial board.
The Literature Page
- Players are registered. Any registered player may submit an extension
to the storyline, which all the players vote on to accept.
The Walking Man
- A linear storyline where people suggest what happens next. Surprise
- Extendable Adventure
- Brian Smith
(besmith@uncc.edu) had trouble compiling Addventure, so he wrote his
own. (It doesn't appear to be up, however.)
- Cybersight
- Contains a very similar game, except you get to add choices to
rooms, and then create the room, instead of adding a room and
the possible options.
- The Maze
- A graphically mapped version, where you move around and answer
questions to the original author of the area. You can expand into
places of your own.
Your Wacky World Wide Web Adventure
- Also similar, with the ability to add an unlimited number of
choices to the scenario.
- Reactive Writing
- You don't have to write alone! L J Winson is running this as a
research project. New pages (including graphics and sound) and
links are accepted by various methods.
- E Horvath is running a game where new pages can be somewhat
automatically submitted for review before adding to ensure "the
correct balance of bizarreness, stupidity, and banality."
Large parts of the story are loaded at once to speed things up.
- Amnesia Interactive Novel
- Although all the chapters are written by one person, the readers
vote on what will take place next. The winning decision serves
as the next chapter in the linear novel.
Gav and Peloso's Interactive Story
- "This is a moderated Choose-your-own-adventure type of story where you
get to write the story. Follow the story as it grows and grows, taking
up much needed hard drive space." Very similar, but independent of,
- Star Wars
Interactive Story
- A definately theme-based story (can you guess the theme?)
where readers are encouraged to expand
by sending email to the moderator.
- P.A.W.C. Cybernovel
- A linear story where readers are encouraged to email in extensions.
- Mark's Choose
Your Own Adventure Game
- "It gets
really wierd at times, but it is okay to go to without getting a heart
attack. [...] There is
one warning about this game, it is very small and you can get to place
that hasen't been created yet fairly quickly."
Additions by mailing the owner.
- Phaedrus' Interactive
- Offers an "outline map" to the game.
- Sir
Toby's Extend-a-Story
- Similar, but not identical, design. Includes a message board.
- Welcome
to my virtual world...
- An interactive story where you are the main character. Additions
submitted by email.
Dialogues on Hyperfiction
A great deal of thought has gone into the problems of reading and writing
hyperfiction (which is what I feel Addventure is).
- There is a
mailing list discussing hypertext fiction and related issues.
- Gareth Rees.
Tree Fiction
September, 1994
- Michael Shumate and Prentiss Riddle.
Hyperizons and The Search for
some Hypertext Fiction.
Hyperfictional Sites
These sites have some of the best examples of hyperfiction,
hyperpoetry, or similar literature.
- Indra's Net by
John Cayley's
- Machine modulated poetry
- Eastgate
- Commercial publishers of fine hyptertext fiction and producers of
Storyspace, a hyperfiction authoring tool.
Other on-line stories
All of these may be linked adventures, but the players are not
- Drool
- You play a dog. It has various places to set values, but they're never
- Hairball
- This one is about a cat... {:
Beneath the Village
- A GEAS Village adventure. An HTML dungeon with "lots of options".
Castle Sonnestein
- "Are you courageous enough to free the poor underestimated, unpaid,
unverschämt WWW programmer from the Sunpool?" A mostly linear
game with some branching and audio.
Where to find other games
Plenty of other stuff out on the web, some of them even link to Addventure.
- Zarf's List of Interactive Games on the Web, where Addventure got
its first listing, is no more. Oddly enough, I recently met
Zarf at a meeting
of the Wunderland
Toast Society. He remembered Addventure vaguely. Also vaguely
remembering that he thought it "not that good".
Yahoo - the ultimate collection of web sites
- Multimedia
Games News - An online magazine with a free side and a subscription
side. They appear dedicated to finding multimedia games that are really
interactive, as opposed to ones that just pretend to be. Plenty of
demos, pictures, hints, tips, and previews. All information is in both
French and English.