Addventure, however, is more of a shared story. It has been created by many people - previous players of the game. While there is a definite starting point, the story diverges from there into a wide variety of unknown plot twists. Most importantly, however, if the story gets to a point that has never been reached before - you, the player and reader, get to continue the story for others.
Text descriptions usually contain an explanation of what is happening, has happened, or what the situation is. It can be whatever the original author decided to create for you. It may talk about what you, as a player in the game, are doing, or it may be a narrator discussing what is happening in the story.
The choices are links to other episodes. You select which path you would like to follow by selecting one of the options. Usually this takes you to another episode - but sometimes it takes you to a episode that has never been created before.
Most episodes will let you go back to the previous one, but some will not. (Of course, most browsers also let you do this.) Most episodes are signed by the author, but many are not. Some episodes are linking enabled -- this is an addvanced feature, and can be ignored.
If, at any time, you do not wish to finish creating the episode, you can select Cancel.
In the large box, enter the description of what action is taking place. You may write as much as you wish -- the box should scroll both horizontally and vertically. Do not try to format the text -- most spacing will be ignored. (If you wish to format the text, you have to use HTML.) Underneath, you must enter the number of options that future readers will have.
The area that says Create all new episodes is an addvanced feature, and can be ignored.
When you have entered this information, you should select Accept. If you wish to stop creating the episode, you may select Cancel at any time.
If you wish, you may sign the episode. You may include your name, your email, or even a link to your homepage - whatever you want.
The next several checkboxes are addvanced features, and can be ignored.
When you have entered this information, you should select Accept. If you wish to stop creating the episode, you may select Cancel at any time.
If you have any additional questions about the game, please see the FAQ before sending feedback to:
Enjoy the game